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It has been analyzed. 70 nitrogen, 21 oxygen, and some other unknown gases. It s still naturally formed, but I m sure it s hollow inside. And the Titan who created mankind, the true creator of mankind, just like that mythical does sauna name, burn can belly be called Prometheus! Rather fat than obtaining the genes from the corpse of the creator in front of him, the Titan, Bai Tangjing actually wanted to obtain the genes from Prometheus, the Titan who actually created the human race in this world.

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At this moment, Roja seems to have completely reached the point where he can continuously maintain concentration in any state, or can freely control this 'concentration' state at will. I understand, is that so? He had guessed before that the reason why fighting increases the strengthening energy higher than that of practicing is because fighting is tantamount to tapping the soul's potential.

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