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Tuition and Fees

Attending DULA is a valuable investment in your future. In fact, the acupuncture industry in the US has been growing at a rate of 3.6% over the past five years, as of 2024. DULA is committed to ensuring that this promising growth is accessible to our students by striving to keep educational costs affordable.

  • Tuition and fees are set regardless of the method of instruction—whether on-site, remote, or hybrid—and will not be refunded if any part of the academic year’s instruction occurs remotely.
  • Tuition and fees for international students are the same as for domestic students.
  • The estimate tution and fee includes all the required tuition, fees, textbook, supplies and clinical malpractice insurance costs. There will be costs such as transportation, room and board, and etc., for which the student is responsible, that are not stated below.
  • Tuition and fees listed in published schedules or student accounts are subject to change without notice.

Tuition Fees for Non-matriculated students:

  • Non-matriculated Student in Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (MAcHM) courses or Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (DAcHM) foundational courses: $345 per didactic unit and $20 per clinical hours.
  • Non-matriculated Student in Doctor of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine (DAcHM) advanced doctoral level courses: $690 per didactic unit and $40 per clinical hours.

Program Tuitions

  • Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (MAcHM) program coursework: 213 didactic units (2130 hours) and 48 clinical units (960 hours)
  • Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (DAcHM) program coursework: 30 didactic units (300 didactic lecture hours) and 2 clinical units (40 clinical hours).
  • Dual degree program coursework: Take the MAcHM program in the first four years and then take the DAcHM program.
DULA Program Estimated Didactic Costs Estimated Internship Cost Estimated Total Cost
Master's Program (MAcHM) $40,470 $15.360 $55.830
Doctoral Program (DAcHM) $50,820 $16,160 $66,980
Doctoral Completion Track $10,350 $800 $11,150

Institutional Exams & Textbooks

Additional Fees (Non-refundable)

Mid-Curriculum Exam (MCE) $50
Comprehensive Graduation Exam (CGE) $100
Master's Program Estimated Cost of Books $1,340
Doctorate Program Estimated Cost of Books $940

Supplemental Educational Fees

Additional Fees (Non-refundable)

Application Fee (Non-Refundable) $100
Challenge Exam 50% of Tuition
Certificate of Attendance $10 (Express $15)
Certificate of Clinical Training $5 (Express $10)
Certificate of Graduation $10 (Express $15)
Certificate of Letter $5
Certificate of Patient Log (Including Notarization Fee) $60
Changing Clinic Shifts $20 / Each Shift
Clean Needle Technique Certificate Re-issue $5
Clinic ID Card $10
Class Audit Fee Free for 1st time, then 50% of tuition
Course Incompletion / Grade Change $50
Diploma Re-issue $100
Doctorate Program Student Tuition Recovery Fund, One-Time (Non-Refundable), $0.50 per $1,000 of tuition fee $30
Drop Class (from the first day of new academic quarter) $20 / Each Class
I-20 re-issue and/or extension processing, OT, etc. $50
International Student Processing Fee $100
Late Didactic Class Registration Fee $100
Mailing Service (Domestic and Certified) $5
Mailing Service (International) Cost + $5 Handling Fee
Makeup Final Exam $100 / Exam
Master's Student Tuition Recovery Fund, One-Time (Non-Refundable), $2.50 per $1,000 of tuition fee $127
Official Transcript $15
Quarterly Clinic Malpractice Insurance Fee $55
Quarterly Facility and Technology Fee $50
Quarterly Registration Fee $50
Returned Check Charge $25
Scanning Service $3
Special Condition of Scheduled CGE Fee $350
Student ID Card $10
Transfer Credit Evaluation Fee (During Matriculation) $50 / course
Transfer Credit Evaluation Fee (Prior to Matriculation) $100
Tuition Verification $10 (Express $15)
Uniforms or Other Special Protective Clothing – Required $60