HomeDULA Oriental Medical CenterSupervised Intern Treatment

DULA Oriental Medical Center

Comprehensive Healthcare Facility Offering Acupuncture, Herbal medicine,
and Other Traditional Medical Treatments

Supervised Intern Treatment

At Dongguk University Los Angeles Oriental Medical Clinic, we offer high-quality treatment provided by our dedicated interns under the close supervision of experienced professors. Our interns are advanced students who have completed rigorous coursework and clinical training. They provide comprehensive care that includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other traditional Oriental medical therapies. All treatments are carefully monitored and guided by licensed professionals to ensure the highest standards of safety and effectiveness. This approach not only delivers exceptional patient care but also allows our interns to gain valuable hands-on experience in a real-world clinical setting.

What to Expect

Appointments at the Dongguk University Los Angeles Oriental Medical Center typically range from 1 to 2 hours. During your first visit, our Clinic Interns will conduct a comprehensive health history intake and examination of your primary concerns. Using this information, along with assessments of your pulses and tongue, our interns will develop an East Asian Medicine diagnosis and treatment plan.

Once the diagnosis and treatment plan are approved by the supervising professor, your practitioner will share the plan with you and invite you onto the treatment table. We recommend wearing loose, comfortable clothing for the treatment. If necessary, a gown may be provided to allow greater access to acupuncture points and meridians.

The intern will locate and clean the acupuncture points to be used during treatment. You may notice that the treatment begins with the process of touching and palpating these points.

Your practitioner may use a variety of tools and practices during your treatment, including:

  • Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles into specific points to stimulate healing.
  • Acupressure: Applying pressure to acupuncture points without needles.
  • Tui Na Massage Therapy: A form of Chinese manipulative therapy often used in conjunction with acupuncture.
  • Moxibustion: Burning moxa (a type of herb) near the skin to warm and stimulate acupuncture points.
  • Cupping: Using suction cups to enhance blood flow and relieve muscle tension.
  • Gua Sha: Scraping the skin to improve circulation and promote healing.
  • E-Stim (Electro-Stimulation Acupuncture): Using electrical currents to stimulate acupuncture points.

If there is a particular style or method of treatment you are interested in, please ask your Clinic Intern if it is suitable for your case.

After treatment, you may experience a sense of relaxation, bliss, or increased energy, depending on the nature of your treatment. To support the course of your treatment, it is helpful to drink water and get sufficient rest. It is possible, though rare, to experience some soreness or bruising after treatment. Cupping and Gua Sha treatments may create dark marks that resemble bruises but are usually not painful. These marks can take up to two weeks to fully disappear. If you have any concerns or questions after your treatment, feel free to contact your intern or the supervising professor.

About the Interns

Dongguk University Los Angeles (DULA) prides itself on nurturing a highly talented and professional team of Clinic Interns. These individuals are diverse in age, backgrounds, and professional aspirations, embodying the rich multicultural environment that DULA fosters. Our Clinic Interns come from various walks of life, each bringing a unique set of experiences, knowledge, and compassion to their practice. This diversity not only enriches the learning environment but also enhances the quality of care provided to our patients.

Each intern at DULA undergoes rigorous academic and clinical training as part of their Master Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (MAcHM) program. Our interns are well-versed in both traditional and contemporary medical theories and practices. They receive comprehensive education in acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other East Asian medical modalities, ensuring they are equipped with a broad and deep understanding of the field.

Furthermore, the clinical training at DULA is designed to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Interns work closely under the supervision of experienced faculty members, allowing them to apply their learning in real-world settings. This hands-on experience is crucial for developing the confidence and competence required to provide high-quality patient care.

Our Clinic Interns are also encouraged to engage in continuous learning and professional development. They participate in various seminars, workshops, and research activities, keeping them abreast of the latest advancements in East Asian medicine. This commitment to lifelong learning ensures that they are not only proficient in current practices but also pioneers in adopting new techniques and approaches.

Moreover, each intern is encouraged to cultivate their unique insights and specialties, contributing to a well-rounded and comprehensive treatment experience. Whether it’s a focus on pain management, women’s health, gastrointestinal disorders, or mental health, our interns bring specialized knowledge and a personalized approach to each patient they treat.

By choosing DULA’s Oriental Medical Center, patients can be assured of receiving care from a team of dedicated, knowledgeable, and compassionate interns who are committed to their health and well-being. Our interns’ diverse backgrounds and comprehensive training make them well-equipped to address a wide range of health concerns, providing holistic and patient-centered care.