
DULA Faculty

Faculty Handbook

The purpose of the Faculty Handbook is to define and explain the rights, duties, roles, responsibilities and benefits of being a faculty member. The Handbook does not replace or supersede any other written policies.  It is designed to provide faculty with an official policies and procedures document that governs all faculty involvement.  These policies are developed and maintained by the Academic Committee and Executive Committee. The President and Dean of Academic Affairs are jointly responsible to amend the Handbook according to the procedures outlined herein.

Faculty Resources

Higher Education Newsletters and Websites

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education. A newspaper and website that presents the latest news, education innovations, information, and jobs for college and university faculty and student affairs professionals.
  • Faculty Focus. Free digital newsletter, reports, and white papers focusing on different aspects of teaching and learning.
  • Inside Higher Education. Online source of higher education news, opinions and jobs.
  • The Teaching Professor. Monthly newsletter with great ideas for engaging students in University classrooms.

Instructional Learning and Content Application Tools

  • Alison Courses. One of the world’s largest free learning platforms for education and skills training.
  • Coursera. Online learning platform that offers thousands of online courses in all subject areas.
  • Newsela. Literacy-focused leveled and standards-aligned informational content.
  • Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Advances quality digital teaching and learning experience to engage the modern learner.
  • The SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric OSCQR. A free and open license resource to the OSCQR rubric.
  • WCET Frontiers. Practice, policy, and advocacy of digital learning in higher education.

General as well as Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (AHM) Research Resources

  • Acupuncture Today. News and resources for the AHM community.
  • Free Medical Journals. Free access to most major medical journals.
  • Medscape. Integrated resources of medical information, clinical reference, and education.
  • The New England Journal of Medicine. Weekly medical journal that publishes the latest advances in medical research, review articles, and editorials.
  • PubMed. Access to MEDLINE and free full text access to PubMedCentral.
  • Society of Acupuncture Research. Medical society dedicated to advancing acupuncture and related interventions in research. Holds international biennial conferences.

Faculty Grievance Policy

The grievance policy provides administrative recourse for resolving differences when informal measures have failed. Informal settlements of disagreements are strongly encouraged before initiating these procedures. All avenues of deliberation, consultation and mediation should be used before a grievance is filed. Disputes being adjudicated outside of DULA are excluded from these procedures.