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Thank you for your donation to Dongguk University Los Angeles.

Your generous support is invaluable to our continued success, growth, and community.

Cosmos Food founder and esteemed Dongguk Korea alumni, Mr. David Kim

We are thrilled to announce a remarkable contribution to the future of Dongguk University Los Angeles (DULA). Cosmos Food founder and esteemed Dongguk Korea alumni, Mr. David Kim, has made an incredible donation of $10,000 to support the growth and excellence of our beloved institution.

As an alumnus of Dongguk Korea and former President of the Dongguk University LA Alumni, Mr. Kim’s dedication to DULA runs deep. His passion for East Asian medicine and acupuncture is evident in this substantial contribution, showcasing his firm belief in the transformative power of these disciplines.

Mr. David Kim envisions DULA as the epitome of excellence in acupuncture education within the United States. His generous donation is a testament to his unwavering faith in the power of East Asian medicine and his desire to see DULA become the most prestigious acupuncture school in the country.

This generous gift of $10,000 from Mr. Kim will play a crucial role in empowering DULA to reach new heights. The funds will support initiatives that enhance the educational experience for our students, ensuring that they receive the highest quality education in East Asian medicine.

December, 2023
Coyote Hills Investment LLC founder, and esteemed Dongguk Korea alumni, Mr. Kyoung Jae Kim

We are thrilled to share a moment of incredible generosity and commitment to the growth of Dongguk University Los Angeles (DULA). Coyote Hills Investment LLC founder, and esteemed Dongguk Korea alumni, Mr. Kyoung Jae Kim, has made a generous donation of $10,000 to support the advancement of the students in DULA.

Mr. Kim, who also served as the President of the Dongguk University LA Alumni, has demonstrated his dedication to fostering the development and progress of our beloved institution. His commitment to giving back and ensuring the continuous development of DULA is truly inspiring.

Your generosity paves the way for further excellence and growth at DULA, ensuring that our students continue to receive a top-notch education. Let’s come together as a community to celebrate this remarkable gesture and to inspire others to contribute to the advancement of our alma mater. 

December, 2023
Victoria Hyounbok Cho, Donation for Scholarship Funds

One of our proud alumni, Victoria Hyounbok Cho, L.Ac donated $5,000 to school for scholarships on October 6th.

MS. Victoria graduated in 2000 and has been successfully providing acupuncture practicing at her own clinic in Torrance, CA.

She and President Aum had finished their studies at our school alongside. When she heard the stunning news that her old schoolmate had returned to school to serve as a President, she eventually decided to make a donation for promising students at DULA.

Victoria once mentioned, “I would like to give a small hand to help them out who have relentless passions for studying in acupuncture but are facing with their own financial struggles. I hope this donation is meant to be a steppingstone for someone who deserves it .”

President Aum voiced out his ambition, saying, “My sincere appreciation to Victoria for her generous gratitude for our students. I will vigorously devote my effort to the school, so our students would concentrate on their studies and finally become successful in their goals.”

October 10, 2022

The Buddhist chief monk Hae-an of Muyeom Temple, Donation for development of Dongguk University

The Buddhist chief monk Hae-an of Muyeom Temple donated a $1,000 scholarship for the development of Dongguk University. Monk Hae-an said, “It is a great pleasure to carry out the teachings of Buddha. I would try my best to help the school and students.”

President Aum said, “I would try my best to help the school and students and the community that we are in as also.